And they've had some amazing results including completing a marathon, losing up to 18 pounds, experiencing more energy and feeling calmer and more productive.
They all agreed that knowing we were meeting today focused their mind over the last few weeks and kept them on track with doing the right thing.
At the same time, along with some of my friends, I've recently entered an event in September and we've discovered already that the focus of the date in the diary has led to some dramatic improvements in how successfully we work out, the choices we make when we eat and drink and how we prioritise rest, recovery and 'me' time.
So, I'm thinking a lot about motivation and accountability and advising everyone to get something in their diary that will ensure that living healthily and getting the right results with your fitness, energy and weight management are a top priority.
Whether it be a run or a bike race, a charity event or something social you want to look your best for, give yourself a deadline for when you want to be in great shape and you'll be amazed at how quickly the actions that get you fantastic results will fall into place.
And if you feel the need of any extra accountability, let me know what your event / deadline is.
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