13 May 2008

How To Get A Small Waist Part 2

I posted Part 1 of How To Get A Small Waist yesterday featuring 2 exercises to get your waist tighter and more defined. I hope you've had a chance to try them out.

Here are the final 2 exercises as promised and remember, don't forget the cardio. Do that in combination with these 4 moves and you'll get the quickest results. Here we go...

Scissor kicks

Jeff Archer Scissor Kicks exerciseJeff Archer Scissor Kicks exerciseJeff Archer Scissor Kicks exercise
  • Lie face up with your knees and hips at 90-degrees
  • Straighten one leg and lower this foot towards the floor keeping your stomach tight and your back flat to the floor
  • Just before this foot hits the floor, bring it back to the starting position
  • Repeat on the other side
  • Repeat x 15 each leg
  • Be extra vigilant about your back staying on the floor

Reverse crunches

Jeff Archer Reverse Crunch ExerciseJeff Archer Reverse Crunch Exercise

  • Lie face up with your knees and hips at 90-degrees
  • Tighten your lower abdominal muscles to bring your knees closer to your chest
  • Your lower back will lift off the floor
  • Lower your legs to the starting position but don't allow your knees to travel too far forwards
  • Avoid any arcing of the spine by keeping your abs tight as your knees come forwards
  • You should feel the pinch in your abs but don't be tempted to swing backwards and forwards.
  • Repeat x 15


  1. Great post. I've tried doing all the moves you've recommended and my tummy is aching so much today! I think that's a good thing...when are you going to do one for thighs (wobbly!).


  2. Thanks for the comment Mel - all in good time. Great to hear you've been trying out the moves. Keep it up.

