2 October 2008

How to burn calories without really trying

watching TV helps you burn 300 calories over 4 hours
Getting to the gym 3 times a week requires you to give up a minimum of 3 hours of your time. In a whole week, that is only tiny amount but the reality is that even this can seem impossible to achieve.  Everyday life is very demanding and can get in the way. 

So if you are having one of those weeks or months where you don't seem to have enough hours in your day to spare for the gym, this is for you.  A handy list of ways to burn the calories whilst just living your life (gym free).

Active persons Guide
Brush teeth - 2 mins 16 cals
Sweep floors - 20 mins 63 cals
Moderate walk - 30 mins 150 cals
Wash the car - 30 mins 171 cals
Play with kids - 30 mins 100 cals
Clearing garden - 15 mins 126 cals
Mowing lawn - 15 mins 60 cals
Raking 20 mins - 98 cals

TOTAL 784 calories = one hard gym session

Lazy persons Guide
Washing Dishes - 2 mins 6 cals
Watching TV - 4 hrs 300 cals
Kissing - 20 mins 26 cals
Playing cards 1 hr-  131 cals

So now you know - you need to watch at least 5 episodes of Lost on TV just to burn off one egg McMuffin.
Hmmm, maybe a quick trip to the gym is worth it after all.

See article here.

Photograph by lyrrad nahc (flickr)

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